I’m a freelance editor with 15 years of experience in science journalism and communication. I specialize in translating cutting-edge research into engaging stories. As a reporter, I covered trends in chemistry, neuroscience, environmental science, and the biology of drug discovery. As an editor, I worked with staff and freelance writers, developing and editing news and feature stories, podcast scripts, and infographics.

For 13 years, I was an editor at Chemical & Engineering News. Most recently, as executive editor for physical sciences, I mentored early-career writers and managed large digital, print, and multimedia projects involving reporters, artists, web designers, and copy editors.

Before becoming a science journalist, I was a chemist. I received an S.B. in chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I then researched the molecular workings of brain receptors at the California Institute of Technology and earned a Ph.D. in chemistry. After leaving the lab, I completed the science communication program at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

I’m based in the Los Angeles area.